Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am having trouble with our kohler generator remote start feature, it only shows, send stop and its off,?

usually when in the cabin when the generator is off it will say SEND RUN and then when running will say SEND STOP but now even with it off it says SEND STOP I am at wits end . the generator is on AUTO and is on a 2007 Rampage tred barta canyon edition boat. Any ideas?|||I'll try this one. First, what happens if you place the generator on manual? Starts okay? Have you disconnected all power to the generator and allowed it to reset? I know that seems too simple but sometimes disconnecting all power to a device, including starting battery, etc, for ten or fifteen minutes will allow it to rest itself and then function normally.

In any event, here's the TT 1379 remote digital gauge installation instructions so you can check that everything is installed correctly, whether you have a loose wire, etc.


Here's the controller for the TT-1364 :


I'd suggest you have a competent marine AC electrician look at this because you could be seriously injured or have a fire if you don't know exactly what you're doing with these voltages and ampere loads, especially with the more complicated controller.

If your controller is NOT one of the above, simply chance the numbers in the URL to match your controller number and see if you can get some answers.

Hope this helps some.

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